Tech interview is hard and expensive!

There are tons of ways to conduct technical interview. Most startups (specially in developing countries) does not want to spend any money for tools. It's old plain Google Docs and a video call all the way.

Either It's Expensive

HackerRank starts from $249/mo for 30 candidates per month. CoderPad costs $50/mo for 5 interviews. Codeinterview costs $5 per interview. $5 per interview means interviewing/testing 100 developers will take $500, and on average, a company has thousands of applicants, so the cost quickly adds up.

Or it's not the right tool

There are tons of free tools to write the code and run it online like, CodeSandBox and tons of others. But they do not have a way to discuss live and evaluate the quality of code.

It shouldn't have to be hard and expensive!

We are working on creating a product that will be easier, cheaper and will change the way we conduct the interviews at tech companies.

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